We are the Daily Nebraskan Media Group, also known as the DNMG, and we specialize in developing custom marketing solutions for businesses just like yours. We know it takes an integrated approach to achieve your marketing goals, and we have the know-how to make a simple and effective plan for you. Let’s start the conversation and see how we can help you get your share of a $241 million market using our different platforms. No one knows how to reach UNL students like we do!
The DNMG staff is made up of current UNL students, with the exception of two professional staff advisors.
The students are passionate about their craft and get real-world experience in sales, marketing, design, and so much more. The benefit to the customer is that no one knows how to reach college students better than a college student themselves. Email us today to let them help you reach this valuable audience.
Want more details? Contact us!
We are eager to help your business execute a successful marketing plan in our niche market we can provide. For any specific business questions contact any one of our team members, but for general inquiries or comments our information is listed below.
We are located in the City Campus Union.